FAQ in general

What does the “LS” of “BISCUE(R) LS” stand for?
“LS” is an acronym for “Learning Spot.”
We have decided on this name with the desire to provide platforms that a variety of organizations, including companies and academic institutions, can use to build and offer proper environments for learning.

What type of services does “BISCUE(R) LS” provide?
“BISCUE(R) LS” consists of the flat-rate libraries of e-learning, which can be used by smartphones and tablets, as well as PCs.
Based on the terms and conditions of a contract, the users, designated by a client, can use any course any number of times without additional fees during the period of the contract.

What is the difference between “BISCUE(R) LS” and “BISCUE(R) e-Learning?”
“BISCUE(R) LS” is a service where people of an organization or a group can equally take a predefined number of “BISCUE(R) e-Learning” courses, such as 100 courses or 500 courses. Because the use of courses can be reviewed through the use of monthly reports, it is suitable for the building of a learning atmosphere in an organization.

FAQ about prices

How much will it cost?
Special package prices are offered for the “100/200/300/400/500-course type” for every 100 accounts.
The price for “BISCUE(R) LS” for domestic use in Japan is 420,000 yen (tax excluded), the unit course price per user being 42 yen (tax excluded) in this case.
For global use inside/outside of Japan, the price will be quoted based on the price for “BISCUE(R) LS” with additional charges calculated depending on the regions where the services will be used.

FAQ about “BISCUE(R) LS Global”

What is the difference between “BISCUE(R) LS” and “BISCUE(R) LS Global?”
“BISCUE(R) LS” contains the flat-late libraries of e-learning designed for domestic use in Japan.
“BISCUE(R) LS Global” provides the same service but is specially designed for global use inside/outside of Japan. By using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that covers the entire world, we will deliver our courses under optimized internet conditions.

What type of companies will be suitable for “BISCUE(R) LS Global?”
“BISCUE(R) LS Global” provides services that support worldwide businesses, and they can be applied in the following cases within multinational corporations:
– When staff training is implemented to enhance communication among people in order to promote businesses in Japan.
– When representatives in Japan go through training to try to strengthen communication through the global network.

Which areas are covered by the CDN?
CDN (Content Delivery Network) of “BISCUE(R) LS Global” covers the entire world including Asia, Oceania, North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
The CDN is constantly being improved with the development of everyday technology, and expanding coverage so that any courses can be delivered to any place in the world under optimal internet conditions.

In what languages is “BISCUE(R) LS Global” being offered?
Presently, “BISCUE(R) LS Global” is being provided in 11 languages that include English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Portuguese, French, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malaysian and Thai.
We have started providing these multilingual services with the intention of covering as much of the world population as possible. In response to demands, we are planning to further expand the language variety.

FAQ about optional services

What optional services are available for “BISCUE(R) LS?”
In order to meet the requirements of customers in the market, “BISCUE(R) LS” offers the following optional services.
– Preparing a course lineup especially designed for our client’s HRD (Customization of BISCUE(R) e-Learning courses or the integration of the client’s original courses, among other things)
– Supporting the next generation of SCORM, xAPI (Tin Can API), as well as the SCORM1.2 and 2004-conformant systems
– Providing services for creating a learning atmosphere in an organization that leads to the building of a learning organization
We will be quoting the price for each optional service.
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